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Old 09-18-2011, 03:36 AM
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Mechaninano Mechaninano is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Edmonton AB
Posts: 45
Mechaninano is on a distinguished road
Default Funny thing I heard on the radio

So I was driving around listening to the radio the other day and this guy called in about a story from his child hood and I thought it was pretty funny so I thought I'd share it

"when I was a little boy, like in kindergarten, my mother was dressing me with jeans, and she accidently zipped up my woo hoo in the zipper. I cried because it really hurt.... A few weeks later we were clothing shopping and trying on pants in the dressing room, when I screamed out NO MOMMY! I DONT LIKE iT WHEN YOU HURT MY PEE PEE!!! PLEASE DONT HURT MY PEE PEE! `

Anyways, I heard this on the radio and laughed out loud, I dont have children, but I couldnt begin to imagine the embarasemet that this woman would have felt.
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