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Old 09-15-2011, 02:58 PM
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Palmer Palmer is offline
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Default Breaking news: Another confirmed sighting (peppermints on octospawn)

I think I had read in another thread someone saying that their peppermints were snacking either on their Hammers or Frogspawn. And a big discussion as to whether they are actually peppermints vs Camel shrimp.

Last night I flipped the lights on in my basement after all was dark and saw one of my peppermints snacking on my octospawn. No significant damage that I can tell but I took it out and put it in my frag tank. Seem's fine today.

My tank has been free of visible Aptasia since buying the peppermints and I have checked the stripe pattern against what camel shrimp look like and they are peppermints. (Plus I got them from a local reputible source )

It aggravated me a bit as I really like this octospawn in the display but hey what are you going to do, I am not going to catch the shrimp and struggle with aptasia again...

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