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Old 08-18-2011, 12:49 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by MKLKT View Post
To be fair though I wouldn't be surprised if it was an opportunistic feeder, it's listed as omni/carnivore. Like your tiger cowrie (I tried one once had problems with it eating certain corals and slower animals as well as bulldozing the liverock like crazy), I'd wager it needs a setup that has the least chance for causing problems. Certainly a "with caution".
Cassiopeia's have a pretty mild sting. They are mostly photosythetic via zooxantellae but will catch small prey like pods and such from the water. They are primarily benthic and will only leave the sand unless you really p--- them off.. so they're not really going to go hunting for anything and are not likely to cause any major damage to all but the most sensitive corals. If a fish gets eaten by one of these guys, it's evolution saying that fish was pretty retarded and not fit for life. I'd call these guys 100x more reefsafe than my mini-maxi carpet nem.

They're pretty easy to care for. As they not pelagic and tend to rest on the substrate, they don't need specialized planktonkreisels to keep them from touching the sides of the tank.
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