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Old 08-16-2011, 03:09 PM
KevinK KevinK is offline
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Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
Won't be too long and the payback will be faster. BC Hydro is on the prowl to crank up rates. Once all the smart meters are installed, they will also be looking to bring in tiered rates, charging more for daytime KWh, so those of us running the big lights during the day (which probably most of us do) will take an extra hit. Retailers & gov'ts are really dragging their feet with regard to promoting LED lighting for home use. Seems they're hanging on to the CFL schtick, which when you think about the huge numbers of fluorescents out there now, with the mercury in them, is really not a good thing. I guess it's not that much mercury in each bulb, but as heavy metals go, mercury is one of the most evil as far as health concerns go, and it does add up.

regarding hydro price.

I Know I could not afford a reef tank where I came from, In Holland, when we left 5 years ago the KWH price for hydro was 0.24 euro + 0.08 euro enviromental tax + 19% call it HST totalling and than I'm forgetting something becouse I know it was like 0.42 euro cents a KWH, thats a wopping $ 0.57 canadian dollar a KWH

regarding the BC hydro, what can I say, thy call it a upgrade of a damm as it is in need of drastick maintanance and repair, I call it miss managment, the day you build something, you should know that maintanance and repairs need to be dun eventually, so put each day a few $ aside, and when time comes get the $$$ out and do it, no thy start krying about shortages becouse there dam ore whatever thy need to do, needs to be dun.

say my roof is replaced, and would cost $ 15.000, I know I have to spend this again 20 to 30 years down the road(unless you would move)

regarding the bulbs,

so far it is to cry for, there is no promotion of inovation here, and now I'm not complaining about things, as we love it here in Canada, and would not want to go back to Holland, but CFL was common practice 15 years ago, if not 20 years already.

now the goverment wants to say thy are doing the right thing, but really, thy are 15 to 20 years behind.

thy should promote the LED future, as we all know the CFL is gust a step in the middle.

thing is that even the LED bulbs are shamly $$$$, a 3 watt bulb will run you over $20 at the HD ore anywhere ells, where as at for instance deal extream, it is shipped to your door for $ 4.50

again, we, at least I want to do my share, but not at $20 a bulb, prices are kept arteficially high.

over all major shifts are on its way in the years to come, but the only thing I can say is that you should not follow the flow and gust beleave whatever somone tells you to do, becouse it is good, lock into things a bit (like the LED bulbs) VS CFL, and you will se that there is mony to be saved, even only when buying.

regarding smart meter, 2 tear billing, also this is not new (maybe the smart meter) but not the 2 tear billing, I know as a little guy, mam always had the loundry in the dryer over night, becouse that was 1/2 the cost of duuring the day

Last edited by KevinK; 08-16-2011 at 03:12 PM.
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