Thread: Ich or worse?
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Old 08-11-2011, 02:44 AM
Magma Magma is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 341
Magma is on a distinguished road
Default Ich or worse?

So yesterday I noticed my clowns had some small white spots on them, no bigger than pin heads and all over there body. I figured it was marine ich so I made up a large bucket of SW so I could start treatment in my QT right away.

Today I come home and one clown is dead, worms have eaten almost half of him and the other one is acting like its having a hard time breathing and also looks like his scales are falling off in large patches..

I noticed the Royal Gramma in the tank is acting very odd staying in the middle of the tank hugging a rock and he to his having a hard time breathing. I do my water changes once a week about 10-15%, I check all levels and they are within normal, temp is fine. But I did have a big outbreak of hair algae over the past few weeks (tank is right in front of a large window and gets the sun for 6 hours a day).

Does this sound like Ich or something else?
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