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Old 08-09-2011, 07:41 PM
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imisky imisky is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Langley, BC
Posts: 243
imisky is on a distinguished road

from having thought about this before, and doing a bit of research, BC/ most of the northern/ southern hemisphere isnt suitable for natural sunlight tanks without some form of artifical lighting suppliment especially in the fall/winter/spring seasons.

In BC as far as I see it we only have 2 seasons, summer, winter. once winter hits we get 90% cloudy days vs 10% which is a mix of barely any sun + clouds. Add that with the super short daylight hour and you have yourself a very unhappy reef system that doesnt receive enough light to keep the corals growing/ coloring up properly. The issue doesnt end there, during the summer time we get sun pretty much from 6am to 8-10pm which ends up photo inhibiting the corals and would have a pretty high chance of algae blooms once that happens due to the spectrum of the sun (could be avoided with the use of a few filters). It becomes quite tough to light a tank up here with the climate the way it is imo. hope that helps
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