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Old 08-09-2011, 04:29 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Sherwood Park
Posts: 1,419
intarsiabox is on a distinguished road

It's not only the buyers that are the problem but lots of sellers too. Advertising items in mint condition when they are piles of crap. Not home at arranged times. Agreeing to a pick up time and then selling it to someone else before the agreed to time, which sadly some people think is ok. When I make an agreement with someone I always hold up my end, unfortunately some feel that they only need to keep their word if it's convenient. I also don't see the big deal if someone gives an initial lowball offer, people do realize that they don't have to respond, right? Trying to reduce the price after one has already been agreed upon is a different story however and I wouldn't tolerate it from anyone. This all being said, I have found most people on canreef to be great people to deal with and learned to never bring my wife because she ends up getting mad at me because it takes 3 hours of chat time to pick a fish or coral! So in the end I still won't hesitate to deal with fellow canreefers and think the bad apples are the vast minority.