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Old 08-09-2011, 12:41 AM
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Beanz Beanz is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Calgary, Paliser
Posts: 168
Beanz is on a distinguished road
Default Beanz' 15 gallon nano reef tank

Well after a while of my tanks sitting in my room with the lights off, I decided to start one of em up again (the 15), and shut one down (old 45 gallon, future frag/grow out tank).
Here is the equipment I am using:
-70w JBJ K2 Viper
-24" Coralife T5 (running 2 actinics)
-Random 100w light for sump

-3 Koralia Nanos for flow in display
-Big Koraila for sump flow (can't remember the #)
-DIY overflow
-Oceanic Biocube skimmer (my coralife 65g crapped out)
-Two little fishies phosban reactor 150 (running Eco Phos phosphate and silicate remover)
-pretty sure its a 9w UV sterilizer (cant remember who makes it either kinda embarrassing)
-Quietone 1200 return pump
-30 gallon sump


Since this tank has been set up and the rock was in the tank for a pretty long time all i did was turn the lights on and waited a couple weeks and now i have started adding livestock. Well more livestock I already had a decently sized cleaner shrimp and a lot of snails (PM me if u need any astrea or nassarius snails ive got too many.) Well today i got a white blenny and a milli and acro from tidal_waters. anyways here are some pics of my set up and such.




Last edited by Beanz; 08-15-2011 at 03:17 AM.
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