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Old 08-05-2011, 11:13 PM
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fooser is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
So, ummm, bad news man.

I have like a million pictures of your wedding and and all those shenanigans... and none of the installation.

I blame Apple (-_-);;

Nice light, BTW
Noooooooo!!! It was so fresh and clean. Untouched by water! O well. i guess I can always just clean up the sump and salt on the plumbing and take it again :P, just doesnt have the same effect.

Oh, but uh.. shananigans? er, I don't know what you are talking about........

And yes, That IS a SWEEET fixture. I am only using like 30% right now to raise it up slowly by like 5-10 percent per day. Sarah Loves that thing too!
Good thing I have such good friends who can hook me up with the good stuff in life. The quality of this unit makes me really consider getting the Cerebra too and get the most of it.

Now all I need are re-fills of KZ additives since that tank uses them up 4 times faster than my old system.
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