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Old 08-05-2011, 06:07 AM
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fooser fooser is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Alberta
Posts: 213
fooser is on a distinguished road

Ok, I don't know about other people, but I think marriage is the best thing that can happen to a reefer. Before I was married, my girl got me a Vertex skimmer for a gift. Now that we are married, she got me another Vertex... a Vertex I**u***a...
OK, pics say it better

Oh and also a special thanks to a friend who helped make it happen. Thanks buddy. Also Thanks to Dave at Concept for his kindness in shipping it over as well.

This thing is Long! Yes, that empty tank in the back there is a 20 gallon, just for size reference.

Finally, a step away from ghetto. Good bye frankenhalides!

The Illumina is so slick, it is like you can't even see that thing in there! Where is it?????

Oh, there is it! Ok, So you can see it...


After (with whites only at 20% to avoid bleaching my corals)
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