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Old 07-29-2011, 11:12 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Default LF: The most EPIC showpiece tabling SPS

After my last rebuild by green birdsnest went kapoot again (like it does after every rebuild)... except this time I've decided only to keep a small frag of it and not really bother to grow it back.

So this has left a nice hole in one of my ledge rocks that is prime location and needs to be filled. My girlfriend must have noticed the mad look in my eyes when I realized all this 'cuz all she said was "uh-oh, I guess this means you're going shopping?".


So, I am looking for the most gorgeous, epic, so-hot-that-Jesus-himself-couldn't-microwave-a-burrito-that-hot centerpiece SPS frag to fill the spot on the edge of this ledge. I am thinking either a tabling SPS or something that will form a nice 'bush' from out the side of the rock. I am looking for crazy colours (think disco) and love things that fluoresce under my LED moonlights.

So, anyone got any suggestions or frags that could fit the bill?
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