Thread: Safe buying
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Old 07-28-2011, 12:55 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Organizations like AMDA are good enough ideas but all that's really to them is a retailer claims they will follow their practices and mails AMDA a cheque to be on the list. The other problem is that there are plenty of good retailers who will exceed the practices set forth because it is just simply very good for business but because they didn't pay somebody to get recognized they are to be shunned for not being on the list. I'm all for education on reef husbandry but not for mafia style retailing were companies have to pay "protection" money to remain in business. I do however like sites such as GARF that advocate renewable reefing and promoting as much eduction as possible without having to sell places on their website to retailers. Instead they make and propogate their own products and sell them to make money. It's a good site to check out.
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