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Old 07-25-2011, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
If you follow climate change, we should really be the last generation that actually gets to enjoy a natural reef.

Reefs and ocean across the planet are dying at exponential rates.

we are partly to blame, and if the complete halt of this hobby would make any kind of realistic difference to the big picture I'd have an easier time caring but the fact of the matter is we're a drop in a very large pond and the acidification and rise of the oceans temperature will have taken care of reefs long before we ever harvest them to death.

cynical yes.
backed by science.
Like I have said a million times... in the past 150 years we have managed to destroy something that has lasted millions of years.

Coral reefs have been around.... since forever. Underwater life was the first to exist on this planet that we know of (precambrian).

what baffles me is the amount of people that just don't care. I hate the saying "oh well its not my problem"
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