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Old 07-18-2011, 02:07 AM
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
I would add more good porous liverock into your tank as I think there is not enough for the filtration you need. It seems from the photo that you don't have much of it. I would add some totally cured totoka or other very porous liverock so that denitrification can take place in your tank and your nitrates would be lower. You could put some macro algae as well to feed on the nitrates.
Oh well, I never had any problem with nitrates before, I even had less rock than now and it was all base rock LOL, my problems started when I decided to go away for long vacations.
I even saw tanks with less rock than mine, like the japanese tanks, they have the minimal ammount of LR and I really ike the Minimalist aquascape and the open look, well in the future everything will be cover with corals, I may add some more LR but I'm not sure about it.


I checked my Nitrates and they're at 25ppm
Phosphates 0.05ppm

A few pictures.

Sorry for the quality The pictures were taken with my iphone.
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