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Old 07-07-2011, 07:22 PM
Gooly001 Gooly001 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Aldergrove, B.C.
Posts: 451
Gooly001 is on a distinguished road

Hey all, I just wanted to chime in here regarding the Seamax tradeshow. O.C. was going to organize a group to go down but due to some logistics and schedule conflicts we couldn't make it happen. I will be down and have booked myself a room so I will see you all there. I will be hanging out with Hikari at their booth to meet everyone.

Regarding the swag bags, I have spoken to a few vendors that are willing to offer out some prizes but the issue that we will encounter is that the goods will need to be declared at customs and there may or may not be possible duty charges applied to the prizes once declared. So, I am entertaining the idea of taking people's contact info at the trade show and afterwards ship the goods on the Canadian side so that there won't be any custom clearance issues at all.

Thanks and looking forward to meeting you at the show.


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