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Old 06-28-2011, 03:16 AM
KevinK KevinK is offline
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy View Post
cool, I have been thinking of using his for a test build, but let me know what you think of his stuff. to bad you didn't have a PAR meter or live closer.. I would like to see how the edison LEDs preform compared to the Cree. I think my only problem with Steve's LEDs is he has no nutral white.

I dont have any cree running at the time (have 100 ready to build) but now have one pendant with the S. LED's and I findthy are doing gust fine.

I have them (28) on 2 heat sinks with the 60 degree lenses on them above a part of my 30 inch deep rank.

it is gust that with a Group buy the Cree where cheap so I both about 100, but with the steve once I think you get a fair bit.

I have green zoa's on the gravle that are doing gust fine, and about at 18 to 20 inches deep a nice birds nest that has growe from a tiny 1/4 inch tip to a 7 inch nest in a year.

from the 18 to 20 inch depth upwards there are some more SPS as well as a clamp, and some LPS. so far it is running for a year and I cant se any diferant in growth ore color of the coral when compairing with the 250w phounix builbs (exept the spread, as everyone knows the LED's are more concentrated.

when I build my steve LED poendant, I got a hell of a service, and cant compliment him more for that, he realy want you to have it working well.

in the upcomming weeks I will put cree's next to the steve led's (same amount of led's per pendant, and would be nice to se the diferant, if it is extream, I might need to put the steve led's above my frag tank
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