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Old 06-20-2011, 06:12 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Courtenay, BC Canada
Posts: 448
Greenmaster is on a distinguished road

Adding to the saga of trials and "FUN"
Well something has happened that I wasn't expecting... I'm having massive Cyano die off and some type of green algae (that I have wanted to grow) has started growing. But today it was huge the amount of Cyano that was lifting off the rocks or just decomposing where it was. There is still lots there but I would say close to 20% is dead or dieing within just a couple days... I was not expecting this and I don't finish work till later tomorrow so I hope that there are no deaths while it goes through this transition. All of the die off of Cyano is creating an ammonia spike and it's at .5, Nitrites are at .3, and nitrates are at almost 0. I was not expecting the die off to happen so quickly so I don't have any bottled bacteria on hand to help to jump start the populations in the tank... I'll keep you updated over the next 2 days (I have Tuesday off so I'll post Tuesday night if not sooner)
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