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Old 06-20-2011, 02:09 AM
Magma Magma is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 341
Magma is on a distinguished road
Default Sump Sizing/Advice on tank build

So the wife and I have been plotting and scheming about a tank, a bigger tank at least. We have a 38gal and 35gal tank, both great but the 38gal not having a sump has made it a real pain to care for, algae blooms, higher nitrates, looks clustered with all the pumps and heaters in the display as well.

So we are looking at 100gal tank no more than 110 as we live on the top level of a 4 plex. Dimensions we are thinking about is 72" long, 18" High and 18" wide which would be about 101gal, or 72" x 18" x 20" which is 112gal.

Now I would like to have a corner overflow on one side and the return on the opposite side.

So what size sump should I be looking at? I have heard that 1/3 is good size min for a sump but thats only 33gal and it seems to me thats almost to small to have skimmers, return pumps, heaters and a small refuge area.

Ideally I would like to grow some macro algae and have a nice size skimmer in there. But I also want a nice quiet tank as the wife is hard of hearing and the more background noise in the room the harder it is for her to hear other things...

Is this possible or am I aiming to high?
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