Thread: Ich
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Old 05-28-2011, 03:05 AM
Reefpins10 Reefpins10 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Richmond
Posts: 79
Reefpins10 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Ken View Post
Hey Reefpins10, sorry to hear of your loss, for someone to lose a part of your life is a big deal so I understand, after 8 years of the same livestock you should be proud of yourself for keeping them that long, I myself have livestock that has been with me for more than 10 years dating back in the 90s. I found that the longer the fish that I have the stronger their imunine system is. I also have Hippo Tangs aka paracanthurus hepatus, never in the history are they ick magnets in my tanks. Unlike many years ago we had a Powder Brown/Goldrim tang we got, they are ick magnet, shortly thereafter develope ick, covered in ick and thought it won't make it through the night, my wife quarantine the fish, nothing chemical involved or hypo, just good water quality,food and dim light and the fish came back well, eventually went to someone and still alive and bossy after 15 years today. Thanks to all the hobbyist for their support and lets help each out. regards Ken

I think I have found a clue as to why all my fish had died from ich, not even one had survived. I was adding Potassium powder in my tank without testing it. I wanted to color up my blue corals. I heard if you are using bio pellets it will lower your potassium in your tank, same with KH. All of my blood shrimps and cleaner shrimps were dying first before the fish. I was also cutting down their favorite frozen brine shrimp which I used to feed every night. I was also feeding them only once a day, mysis shrimp or pellets, and most of my fish didn't touch the pellets food at all. I think their immune system were weaker when they didn't have enough food. Yes I was very proud that I could keep all the fish that long, but I also couldn't believe I kill them all too, because of my stupidity.
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