Thread: Ich
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Old 05-26-2011, 09:59 PM
Reefpins10 Reefpins10 is offline
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Originally Posted by born View Post
I just had an ich breakout about 3-4 days ago. I kinda saw it on one fish but thought it wasnt anything(foolish mistake) then all a couple days later I looked at my powder brown tang, and on his fins, there it was, ich. I added a cleaner wrasse about 2-3 days ago. I usually only see him picking at my unicorn tang, and sometimes he'll go up to the powder brown but I dont really see him picking anything off. My cleaner shrimp doesnt seem to pick anything off the fish.
Today I'm soaking every piece of food(Nori/pellets/brine/mysis) in SeaChem's Garlic Guard. We'll see how this goes. *fingers crossed*

If you can do something PLEASE don't wait till the end like me. I was crossing my fingers untill I saw the last 4 fish struggling with their life in the last few days. I knew that was it. I hope you are not attached to your fish too much. Some of the Canreefers had met me, I can fool people with my strong outside look, but they don't know inside I am the most weakest one. I know I am going to become mentally crazy waiting for 10 weeks to put the new fish in. I can't stand looking at my empty tank right now. If not because of this tank related to someone and something which is sentimental for me, I would probably just shut it down for good.
The last time I bought a new fish that was when the first 2 fish had died for no reason. My Nemo died, I decided to replace him because my other female clown stopped eating. I thought she was grieving, I went to J&L got another clown but I had to return the next day because the female didn't accept it. I don't think that new Nemo I bought brought the ich into the tank.
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