Thread: Ich
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Old 05-26-2011, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
Personally I would look at things that would cause stress to a tank. Thinks like off parameters, lack of oxygen, oh so many things.

Others will dispute this, others may agree, but I am a believer that you always have ICH, but if you have a healthy system, then the fishes immune is able to fight and don't succumb to ICH. Daniella3D has valid points if you wish to go the quarantine route, I myself don't quarantine.

What I am scratching my head with is that you lost everything. This shouldn't happen, even with ICH... So what is off that the fish didn't like and hampered their ability to survive (Besides the ICH)? I personally think you have another underlying issue that is aiding things.

Sorry for the losses!
+1 Amen to that!!
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