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Old 05-24-2011, 12:08 AM
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Originally Posted by rastaangel View Post
Long story short I switched over from using GFO and DeNitrate to control nutrients to Prodbio in hopes of a better reef tank...
To be blunt the prodbio isnt doing anything as I have been told it takes something like 6 months to work. So its been almost 2.5 months and have seen no positive affects so I have since added another carbon source in hopes that it will help.
BUT since I switched over I have a MASSIVELY HUGE hair algea issue and most of my corals are either losing color, have no PE, or are flat out dieing.
Anyone got any suggestions? If I keep losing all my nice ORAs ill snap!!!
The best hair algae problem solver is a sea hare.
You will be surprised to see how quickly it devours the algae.
You need to be careful of two things.
When almost all the algae is gone you have to feed it nori or wardley's spirulina discs or it will starve to death or give it to another reefer who has the same problem.
Secondly, you have to carefully acclimate the sea hare for at lease and hour slowly dripping your tank water into the bag it came in.
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