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Old 05-23-2011, 11:23 PM
rastaangel rastaangel is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Kindersley, Sk
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Default Best Way To Eliminate HUGE Hair Algae Problem And Coral Issues?

Long story short I switched over from using GFO and DeNitrate to control nutrients to Prodbio in hopes of a better reef tank...
To be blunt the prodbio isnt doing anything as I have been told it takes something like 6 months to work. So its been almost 2.5 months and have seen no positive affects so I have since added another carbon source in hopes that it will help.
BUT since I switched over I have a MASSIVELY HUGE hair algea issue and most of my corals are either losing color, have no PE, or are flat out dieing.
Anyone got any suggestions? If I keep losing all my nice ORAs ill snap!!!
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