Thread: Cheap timers
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Old 01-15-2004, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Bob_I
I use four timers to control four lights. . . ... I buy them at Ukrainian Tire.
Same here, I've set up four grounded heavy duty timers and once you get the timing right they work perfectly. Just wanted to list two tips I learned from experience. Out here in Whitecourt, because of tons of new construction going on in our area, we do sometimes have our electricity turned off for a while. It's never been longer than half an hour. Unlikely this situation applies in most other places but the following is useful to know:

- After such a power failure obviously the timers will be off by the time the electricity was gone. Move them forward a few clicks at a time when they are far away from their on/off position to adjust the time until they are back on their schedule. On my timer 1 hour is about 6 - 8 "clicks".

- I don't know why it is but atleast 1 of the timers stopped working when the electricity came back, might be some sort of a failsafe built into the design. I had to unplug the timer from the socket and plug it back in after a few minutes and it worked fine.

BTW the four lights create a nice sunrise / sunset photoperiod.
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