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Old 05-07-2011, 04:52 AM
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cuz cuz is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: lethbridge
Posts: 601
cuz is on a distinguished road

another busy day, its crazy how when you look at something and figure on maybe taking an hour or so it turns into an all daymission!!

I changed the herbie style overflows to durso's and added some baffles to the top of the overflows. Keep critters out for one but also wanted to raise the water level in the display tank. Previously the height of the overflows would have had the water level 1" below the black trim and that would have drove me nuts looking at it all day. I opted not to remove the existing glass for the overflows.

next i went to town with the plumbing. this would be alot simpler if a person would write down what they need and just double it from the start!!
this shows how my backup overflows are plumbed together then down into the sump in case of a main drain clog.

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