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Old 05-04-2011, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by cale262 View Post
I understand your statement that the corals/fish don't care about these features, I'm sure there is allot of things they don't care about, without going all PETA here, keeping fish in glass boxes is all about us, thus said, having these features are no different. I like new technology.
I agree corals don't care. Lights on, lights off, it's all good.

However, I think the fish do care. Non dimmable LEDs come on at full strength with very little ramp up time. If you have enough LED light to keep SPS, that amounts to a big flash. I have my lights running a sunrise and sunset across the tank. The fish are very much aware of what's happening and they adjust their behavior according to the phase of sunlight. In the evening when the lights are dimming, you can see the fish getting ready for the night by securing a spot in the rockwork. There is also a shift across the tank to stay with the light. It's really interesting to watch but more importantly I think it helps to reduce stress and perhaps results in less aggression between fish.

Looking forward to your feedback on the ReefTech.

- Brad
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