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Old 04-28-2011, 06:12 PM
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sgreen sgreen is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: St.Albert
Posts: 83
sgreen is on a distinguished road

Before we have purchased any fish or anything else from Blue World, Lyndsy has always asked questions as to (in the beginning when we were first new to saltwater) our tank size, other fish that are already in the tank and any we would like to add later. She knows now that we have numerous tanks ranging in size and will still ask which tank we are putting what ever into. Most people that we have talked to in all stores, including Steve at Red Coral and staff at AI have given us good advice as to what we should have in the tank sizes we have and what fish are compatible. Some things that we have asked about get huge when they are full grown!!! Lyndsy has discouraged us from making purchases that are really cute when they are small and we are thankful for her advice. And the person, whom was in the store, does have other stores to purchase from but hopefully staff there will be as insistent as she was.

I have learned that in the saltwater hobby, as life itself can be, PATIENCE is a Virtue! We all get impatient and want to have a system like Dez's or even Wes' right away but aquariums like theirs take time to establish. I can only hope that in time ours will look some what similar to theirs. Ken, you are very fortunate at Blue world to have all staff like you do who know what they are talking about and are not afraid to speak up and discourage potential purchases when needed. Kudos to all saltwater store employees who actually give a damn!!!