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Old 04-26-2011, 08:13 PM
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ProReef ProReef is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 318
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Yup its true if you read the ingredients label the tiny tiny amounts of copper are for cellular metabolism and it is in many additives! We hear at Progressive Reef carry and feed our store fish and our personal aquariums at home the New Era pellets and New Life Spectrum pellets and the fish and I enjoy both. The New Era is great cuz it is very moist and a good aroma, where the NLS has a great small fish variety. If you are looking for a medium pellet, try the New Era pellets- they are a pellet that you can actually roll in your fingers to get a variety of pellet sizes. I actually have two small (100g) containers of the Ocean Nutrition Formula Two Medium pelleat left in stock (and yes older stock) drop me an email ( or phone call (toll free 866-997-7333)and we can get that sent to you. Good Luck. And check out our web site.
Cheers Ronnie
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