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Old 04-25-2011, 12:40 AM
DeneBanger DeneBanger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Waterloo Ontario
Posts: 44
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All nudibranches are carnivores and are very diet specific, it is not enough to say, this one eats "two kinds of sponges" or "two families of sponges" more than likely (95% sure) a specific nudi will only eat one type of sponge within that family of sponges. It is kind of like saying that Berghia eat anemones, but it really isn't so, Berghia only eat Aiptasia pallida, not majano anemones. I hope that you do have food for your nudi in your tank but chances are very slim and this poor fellow probably doesn't stand a chance, mind you it didn't stand a chance at the LFS either (which in their defence they probably didn't order but came in on one of their shipments as an "extra" or a "hitchiker".
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