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Old 04-20-2011, 06:51 PM
Gwenda Gwenda is offline
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Originally Posted by Reef_kid View Post
I have had that happen, back 14 years ago when i started my first tanks.
i suggest you make up a batch of freash salt water , in a large rubbermade tub.
put airstones in it and a heater.(make sure the pH matches your tank) The airstone will help evolve the ammonia in the tank. put the fish in the tub.
for the tank get some nitrate remover, and phophate remover. ferric oxide. this can go in a filter bag in any area of water flow. and chyto macro algae is a essential in my mind.
do a large water change on the main tank, and run it for a few days.
the fish should be fine in the tub water, if possable you can have someone take them off your hand until the tank has ballances.

what happens is the bacteria grow exponentally, then they crash, resulting in a tank crash.

when you do add the fish back to the tank . limit the amount of food you feed them.

the macro algae and phosphate remover will remove a lot of the chemicals in the tank.

this hobby is about balanced and patients

(dont use ammonia filter mediums in reef tanks)
I stll have my old fish tank going with mor live rock and fish I can put them back in there
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