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Old 04-13-2011, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
I bought my parents house from them for a really great price...almost 1/2 mkt value, in Coquitlam which is about 20K outside of Vancouver and in trade I bought them a house in Saskatoon, where they were both born and wanted to retire for 80,000...

That was 4 years ago and now that house in sask was appraised for 200,000$

My house in Coq on the other hand has only appreciated about 15% since then...
My old boss built a new house in Sherwood Park 1800SQFT Bunglow Pie lot huge oversized garage for $200,000 no mortage lived in it 3 years the boom hit. His son and daughter both lived and worked in Saskatoon while visiting he had a look at the paper at houses and his jaw dropped. Sold his new house for in SWP for $550,000. Bought a 6 year old 2300SQFT bunalow walkout basement in Saskatoon backing on to the north sask river with a pool 2 hot tubs 1 indoors one outdoors huge snooker table triple garage paid $265,000 and it was for sale for 7 months he said I got to retire 5 years earlier and pocketed almost 300G.

Boom time is coming again to Alberta time to jump on the wave before it hits

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