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Old 04-12-2011, 02:19 PM
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TJSlayer TJSlayer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
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So good point's there, but waiting another three months won't do much been doing that already for a long time now, there will be even more to choose from..

As far as the units themself becoming obsolete, that may or may not happen.

I know the manufacturers are designing these things so that they are replacible, and from what I have seen, all the different sized units seem to have the same basic led board in them, larger units simply have more. and even some of the newer ones have the same boards just in a different layout, so hopefully they keep in that thought going forward otherwise you could be right.

I suppose one could remove the board and manually change the led themselves as well if they had the knowledge to do so, hard to say.

But this brings up another point that worries me a little, everyone says buy from a company that has been around long term and not one that is new, because they may not be there in then next few years, etc.

But most of the companies that are offering these units are new, very few that have been around long term are offering much, and what they are offering will not work as a total replacement, only supplements...

But again that being said the lower budget offerings from companies like maxspec have been around for some time now, and they are launching their third version of led's and so far from what I have seen you can upgrade even the older models to be similar to the newer ones, and the led's can be moved up all the way to what they are offering today. So one would hope that the other players in the game take note of that.

But so far everyone is citing the replaceable aspect of components in their fixtures for the future and upgrades.

I will be interesting in the coming years for sure...

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