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Old 04-08-2011, 09:37 PM
Lysa.anne Lysa.anne is offline
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Originally Posted by Zarstar View Post
Hello I'm a new member, (sounds like AA) i have a question to pose to the reefer community: Is Ultra Violet light beneficial to my tank? Here is my rational behind the question:

1) Silica Glass (most glass) does not transmit UV light (or very little), hence you cannot get a suntan indoors.

2) the amount of UV light at the equator, most coral reefs, is about 1000X higher than at the north pole (the south pole has a man made ozone layer hole)

3) My Maxspect G2 LED's produce a focused yet wide array of light wavelengths that include the UV -A,B,C as well as visible.

4) If i take my glass lid off the tank it will evaporate more and i risk losing fish to Tank Jump Suicide.

So fellow reefers what should i do? take the cover off and give full reign to my overpriced LED's or continue down this path of salt creep and a UVless tank?

PS Dont buy G2's they have no controller or dimmer, I thought in this day and age that would be standard, apparently not in China.
I use a glass top as I have a suicidal cleaner wrasse. We also lost a lot of water to evaporation without it.
I'm open to going without though, as it would mean less cleaning off salt from the glass.
90 gallon mixed reef, 29 gallon FOWLR, 6 gallon nano
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