Thread: FF Hammer
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Old 04-04-2011, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by toytech View Post
just super glue the bastards , poke at them until the go in there little holes and then lay it on them . If there really big mix up some epoxy putty and lay it over them , trust me its satisfying and fun , especially if they've been bothering your corals .
I would avoid this advice.

Aptasia go into preservation mode when irritated and release "spores" into the water. This can actually make the issue worse.

Best to treat them properly or risk causing an even bigger out break.

I think if you do not have time/confidence to treat them, removal is the smart choice.

However, if you have aptasia on one coral, there are more hiding somewhere. Good luck.

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Last edited by paddyob; 04-04-2011 at 01:52 PM.
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