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Old 03-31-2011, 04:14 AM
apex82 apex82 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Nanaimo
Posts: 78
apex82 is on a distinguished road

I definitely fell under the qt is nonsense camp... Its not about cost with me, its maintenance. This all changed a week ago when I got velvet and lost 10 out of 13 fish in less than a week.... Yes the system was present with ich from the get go but water had always been stable and the fish never broke out.

All it took was one mysterious night where somehow some type of poison entered my tank... still have not found the cause (new powerheads, possible excessive chlorine in city water, airborne TILEX fumes from 3 rooms away) The next week all fish are dead from velvet. The stress from the unknown poison allowed it to take over and consume the tank.

Needless to say, its not a matter of if, its a matter of when your inhabitants get stressed at some point and all the crap that you never knew was surviving in there takes over and wipes out your tank... $700 down the toilet in a week and not being able to have a fish in my tank for 2 fn months. I may be bitter but I am quarantining from this day on.
75G reef, 30G sump
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