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Old 03-28-2011, 01:40 PM
Rus Rus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: abbotsford
Posts: 83
Rus is on a distinguished road

Thanks , I currently have 8 anthias in my Tank. There are 5 Bartletts , 2 lyre tails and a Borbonius. I do not observe much fighting with them at all, although I think with multiple feedings and plenty of space this has helped . I lost 2 Bartletts right at the beginning but both jumped so not sure if it was fighting , or just startled. Since then they have all been fine.

Dispars are a nice choice , although not quite as hardy as the others I have mentioned , so I would make sure you quarantine for a while to make sure all of them are eating and healthy before introducing them. One nice thing with them is they do stay a little smaller which depending on your tank size may be a good thing.

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