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Old 03-25-2011, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamieh View Post
I would assume the Pet Stores who have invested 100's of thousands of dollars in their stores would care if they are not permitted to sell the puppies that they have designed their store to sell. Here's and easy solution for you, make every person who breeds dogs get a licence and be inspected. I have visited many people who breed dogs and if you believe that "purebred" breeders do it better than so called "backyard" breeders you are sorely mistaken. I will ask this question for the 3rd time in this thread, how do you think banning stores who sell almost all small breed dogs will help shelters who are full of almost all med to large breed dogs??? Pet Stores selling puppies and over filled shelters are actually not that closely related no matter how the huggers try to spin it.
Yeah like I said before I would prefer if things could be done that way, if someone had that petition I'd be happy to sign it.
I don't think pure bred breeders are better than non pure breeders but "good" breeders have different goals than others but it's hard to tell and there are way too many out there which is why I support the bylaw. Also I've seen plenty of big bred dogs at pet stores, not all stores are the same and not all have the same principals which is part of the problem but the biggest problem is the source not the distribution.

Also you take a risk with any investment, sometimes it pays off other times it doesn't. If the by-law passes it'll be a result of the majority agreeing to it so it's not just a few "huggers", it's society taking a stand and doing something, might be ideal but like I keep saying better than nothing.
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