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Old 03-25-2011, 03:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Trigger Man View Post
So venting out of the furnace room with the sump and equipment is good enough? Or do I need to be venting out of the rec room where the tank is as well? The downside to this basement is it is fully developed and runs crown moldings and drywalled ceiling so I have to be careful on what I get cut. I do like the idea of running the fan to a dehumifier system, who do I get to set that up normally? The builder put the humidifer control and sensor in the furnace room, so I hope that does not cause problems for the hardwood, as the whole main is hardwood. What do you guys think?
My canopy is completely closed and I have a vent running air into my sump room. So no humidity gets into the room where my tank is, rather it is directed into the sump room where that room had a dehumidistat hooked up to the fan. I hope I'm making sense.
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