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Old 03-15-2011, 09:34 PM
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BlueWorldAquatic BlueWorldAquatic is offline
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copper bad.... I personally don't even carry copper in our store

There are too many fish that can't handle it, especially angels.

Depending on where your LFS gets their stock, depends on how well the fish acclimate to captivity.

That is why we try to purchase as much captive bred or tank raised or MAC certified fish. Regardless of our dilligence, we still have to purchased caught livestock for re-sale.

There are many arguments on either side for the QT tank. The only thing I can suggest, that agrees with many others, is know where the fish you are getting come from.

Wild caught fish have problems with disease, and stress much more than captive bred.

I have 2 facilities that I purchase from that acclimate their fish for approx 10 days before the sell them to us, getting the fish from filtered ocean water to production (manmade) saltwater. I have seen fish from these facilities start eating withing an hour from being released from their transport bags.

Ken - BWA

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