Thread: Vertex Skimmers
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Old 03-10-2011, 03:20 PM
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My In-180 was working great and I was very happy with it's performance...

There's only one reason I'm not still using it and it was my own inexperience when planning and building my stand...I didn't leave any room for height adjustment, I put the skimmer in the dry sump, measured the height, built the stand to give myself a coulpe inches to remove the collection bowl...that was great until I put water in the sump and found the water level in the skimmer chamber was 11"s high, the skimmer needed to be in about 8.5" (sweet spot) of water....Ok raise the skimmer....Ooops, no more two inches of clearance to remove the bowl...So it was either build a new stand, replace the sump, struggle every time I needed to remove the cup or get a shorter skimmer....I chose the latter and replaced the skimmer...

Shameless plug, but that skimmer is still FS
Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...

Last edited by cale262; 03-10-2011 at 03:27 PM. Reason: typo
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