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Old 03-07-2011, 03:24 AM
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MitchM MitchM is offline
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Location: Water Valley, AB
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Originally Posted by asmodeus View Post
looking good Mitch what is the tank mainly going to be .

SPS in the top zone for sure.
I'm working on getting the sand bed set so that it can be as friendly as possible for a functioning DSB. I've learned that there are some animals in the sandbed that do not like living by large objects, like our aquarium walls or rocks. I can't do anything about the walls of the aquarium, but what I can do is suspend the rock structure above the sand floor. How I'm going to do that is still undecided. I could drill out some pieces of large PVC or I could drill some acrylic legs into the bottom rocks. On top of those bottom rocks I'll drill and peg or epoxy the rest of the rock.
I'm also kind of interested in what will happen with all the crud that the live rock sheds, like when you "cook" a tub of live rock. I'm interested in what will happen to that detritus as it falls to the sandbed.
I'm going to be ordering some detrivore kits from Indiana and Hawaii once the weather warms up in a few months. Before then I don't think they would survive the shipping process.
By then the sand bed will have matured so that those organisms can survive when I get them.

Once I have the rock in place, I'll try to determine where food in the water column is going to accumulate and I'll start placing larger polyp corals in those areas. I'm going to try various plankton and live brine shrimp.
I'm interested to see what happens when I get that bidirectional flow going.
Maybe build some caverns that will channel the water somehow.

If I can find some locally, i'm going to be starting the tank on ProdiBio this coming week.

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