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Old 01-04-2004, 01:27 PM
2klude 2klude is offline
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Default Need help with my DIY stand. Staining and Waterproofing

Well I am finished building the framing of my new 150gal tank. I will be going to home depot next weekend to look for finishing materials. I have a few questions though.

What’s a good wood that wont warp on me? I heard a lot of horror storied about DIY canopies and how they have been warping on people. I guess it could be a mixture of the heat and moisture. Anyways, any tips on certain woods that are strong and wont warp. Also some feedback about woods that will show nice grains when stained black. Could it be that the people who had problems with warping just didn’t seal the wood properly…this brings me to my next questions.

How do I seal the whole project? Especially the inside of the canopy? Do I just find some waterproofing deck sealer or something? I really need some input on this as far as the different sealers I should look into as well as how to seal and paint the inside of the canopy.

I want to use something like oak or pine to do the finish work on my stand. Most black stained stands I have seen at my LFS where made from pine. I wanted to finish the stand and canopy with a black stain so the whole stand would be black but u could also see the nice wood grain throughout it. How do I go about doing this? I guess I would first stain all the untreated wood than put a couple coats of a waterproof sealer on everything. Also want to know what are nice woods I should look into that will show a nice grain once stained black.

I would like everyone’s comments and help on this project. I know nothing about sealers or staining. Pretty much what I am asking for is feedback on types of woods to use when finish this piece. I want something that when stained black will really look nice and will show a nice wood grain through the black stain. Also need info on sealing/waterproofing everything and what to do with the inside of my canopy.

Thanks for all your comments and help, I really value them…peace
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