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Old 02-10-2011, 05:34 PM
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GMGQ GMGQ is offline
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Location: Vancouver, BC
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I started running TLF NPX Biopellets on January 24, 2011, and a few days ago my skimmer starting skimming like crazy. I think the biopellets have finally kicked in! Now I'm getting a lot of foam everyday. Before, the foam was barely reaching into the cup.

I've also noticed some beige coloured gunk floating out of the biopellet reactor, so I guess that's the excess bacteria being sloughed off. Make sure the flow into your reactor is causing ALL the biopellets to tumble. Not crazy tumbling, but enough so that if you're watching a single pellet at the side of your reactor, you can see that pellet make it's way to the top, then all the way down, etc. A lot of times the bottom portion of the pellets will not tumble, and in the long run they may fuse together into a nasty clump, and you'll have to take it out and clean them off.

I've been battling hair algae, even though my nitrates test at near zero. So hopefully this will put me on the right track to beat the algae. I'm still pinching out as much of the algae as I can each day, and I've enlisted some hermit crabs and a couple of mexican turbo snails to join the battle.

p.s. I have a 70gal + maybe 10-15gal sump, and a fuge with lots of chaeto. I'm running about 300-400mL of pellets in my Phosban150 reactor + MJ1200 (choked with a mini ball valve to achieve desired tumbling). I originally had 250mL in there, then I added more. Once the bacteria is established, you can add more than the recommended amount of pellets for your tank size.

Good luck!
Tank was up for 7yrs and 10months. Thanks Everyone!

2016/2017 180Gallon Build Coming Soon...

Last edited by GMGQ; 02-10-2011 at 05:38 PM.
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