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Old 02-08-2011, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Jack View Post
Your poll is missing so many applications or reasons for using a uv sterilizer. I have used them in both reef and fish only aquariums and from my experiance they do help increase water clarity and reduce ich. I have also used them to get rid of bacterial or green water blooms in other aquaria. In my opinion they aren't needed but nice to have. They only have one real downside in a reef tank in that they kill plankton but in my opinion, after scubadiving and seeing just how clear the water is and realizing there's not a whole lot in there anyways, you can't go wrong using uv in a reef. Our corals don't need phyto in an aquarium to survive - they find other ways of feeding like fish waste and food juices etc. I think people stoped feeding DT's phytoplankton 10yrs ago. I can't believe that company still exsists.

Again should of put an other tab. The thread is here for extra comments though. Thanks for the input.
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