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Old 02-03-2011, 05:52 AM
seasmurf seasmurf is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 37
seasmurf is on a distinguished road

I like instant gratification, what can I say?

However, better? As anyone who has done their research can tell you, a healthy body shlould be more alkaline. Depends on variables like, expectation on water absobsion (if youre drinking it), (

But thats off topic. I'm thinking about its impact within the marine aquara. I'm not entirely sure of the impact, say, VS RO/DI.

However, I'm not here to debate what the differences are, but rather to draw out more curiosity of the nature of the water in the 'water column'.

I'm hoping for good intelligible conjecture simply because water, in this hobby, is the life force. Understanding all its parameters will never be a case of instant gratification. And so, here I am.
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