Thread: Sickening
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Old 02-01-2011, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by OscarMeyer View Post
While i see where your coming from, most of those animals that are put down by those societies, are done by the needle, or im hoping in some sort of a humane way, they arent doing what this guy did, by taking them out to the back of the woods with a gun. ( although i dont know about PETA, heard some bad stories )

I mean this guy was chasing a couple of dogs around cause one shot to the face didnt finish them? like how can you claim PTSD? you knew what you were doing! Absolutely disgusting!
The disgusting fact is that he has been compensated by the WCB which means they ruled in his favor... Human kind really needs to be held accountable for our actions, simply put we are a burden on this planet.
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