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Old 06-25-2002, 05:37 PM
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Default Water movement takes step forward


Welcome to the board.

with that said..

People here were discussing the whole design and trying to come to an inderstanding of how it works and is done. Nothing more. In all honesty I can say I am not interested for various reasons. Yeah I took a look at building something similar. but it won't go past that. So I don't know why you are reacting as you are. Yes it s a great adaptation, I can see areas in it's design I personally don't like and have doubts about, but it really isn't a new idea. It's one that has been adapted from other uses outside of the hobby. Like most things we are using.

Here are my thoughts on the design after a bit of time to think about it. These are just some quick ones.

1. Size. It's big. no doubt about it. I personally hate powerheads to begin with. Adding an enclosure around a pump makes it bigger. It may push GPH but you can get around its size.

2. Cost. $70 is in US dollars. Most of us here are Canadian. Exchange takes it to over $100 for the inital cost. Then add in shipping(with exchange again) and then the costs of dduties and taxes at the border. Another $30-40 or more. By that time you are hitting probably close to $150+ for two pumps. Something to keep in mind is costs. Reefkeepers are cheap. Especially with products we can't readily get up here. Add in the costs of a decent wavemaker and it is really getting up there IMO.

3. If you were to put this on a wave maker I forsee fish getting diced. I have had blennies and they love to go into openings. Timer turns off, propeller stops fish goes in. Next thing you have is fish chowder. I'd fashion some form of slatted grid or grill to prevent this from happening. To minimise flow losses due to friction, tapering the slats somehow will help with this. All it takes is one and people will shy away from buying.

4. It's a new product. Once I have seen/heard about how it stands up to time and use then I'd think about buying one. But since I don't have a single PH in my system and don't plan on adding one I don't see any reason to look deeper into this one. Plain and simple. It's a great adaptation I will give it that. Hopefully it pans out. If not I can gurantee it will stir the creative juices in other inventors in this hobby to make something new and push our tanks forward again.

Those are just a couple of thoughts. Keep in mind this is a forum for sharing and developing ideas. As this product was by JC. An idea. Coming on here and taking a bit of a condescending tone with people talking may make someone think twice about buying. Especially coming onto a board that you have never posted and all of your posts were in this same tone.

bad PR IMO.

Welcome again to the board. The more the merrier. You are more than welcome to post on other subjects if you so chose.
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