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Old 01-29-2011, 04:11 PM
shootingstar shootingstar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Thunder Bay ON
Posts: 110
shootingstar is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I hope you're planning a 180 or 230 for the Sailfin!

What was nitrate at while skimmer was running? I think if you're getting nitrate creep that bad already that you should try to look for a used skimmer to put on the tank. Could you put a hang-on skimmer on the side or back of the tank (instead of in-sump)? If so, try to find a Deltec hang-on skimmer since they hold their price well (they are excellent skimmers) and will be easy to re-sell when you have the big tank set up.

I tried Googling to see what you're dealing with, and I can't find any pictures of the sump. Could you post a link maybe? Or at least the dimensions of the skimmer chamber? SWC Cone skimmers have a really small footprint because of their internal pump, and they are reasonably priced.
The new tank is only 135gal but is at least a 6' tank. As much as I am crazy for my critters I am not willing to reinforce the floor, that's a whole new level of I see this as the way to give the tang some decent swimming room without re-building the whole frikken house for one fish. the house is a 4 level split with the tank on (of course) the top level.

Basement sump (size still to be determined but probably in the 50 gal range)

Nitrate ran 5-10ppm previously when the lame skimmer i had was sort-of working.

Here is a link to the set up I have

Mine is the 60 gal 2x2x2 with the pro lighting.

The sump is super tiny ( there is a link in the above link to see just the sump) and it slides into the cabinet from the back so I can't change the sump right now without taking the whole system down.

Marineland cleverly designed the sump so that only their skimmer will fit. I had no choice but to use it but it never performed even adequately in my opinion and failed twice in just the first year. I'm not willing to buy another one.

I have looked at what i think is close to every skimmer out there and can't find a solution.....well maybe just maybe the MRC O.F. 100...but having trouble getting accurate info on the foot print.

All I have to work with is 6" x 4".....because of the sump design.

which is why I was trying to find an alternate solution to carry us a few months. when we get the big tank set up this system will get a major overhaul to eliminate these design issues.
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