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Old 01-29-2011, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by KushBubbles View Post
Its been about a year that a year. good lighing for about a month

instead of rinsing the sand i have been told to mix a it with 3x the amount of new sand? would you suggest that to kick start bacterial grow in the new sand?
You would be transferring over all the organic matter and killing most of the soft bodied worms and critters if you just mixed it all up.
That organic matter would sit there and rot until new critters that kept the sandbed moving repopulated, which could take a few months.

If you want to seed some new sand I would set the new tank up with new sand only then use a cup or so from the old tank, skimmed off the first inch or so of the old sandbed.
I would still go ahead and rinse out the rest of the old sand before putting it in the new tank.

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