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Old 01-29-2011, 01:53 AM
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I am not sure I understand what you did. You said the xenia and snail died as soon as you put them in your tank? but it was looking good within the 3 hours? ??

There was obviously a shock in something, and I would suspect alkalinity maybe?

Did you ever had copper in your tank? anything else in there alive?

Originally Posted by kenman999 View Post
Recently I have added a torch coral, xenia and 2 giant turbo snails to my 60 gallon tank. Everything was dripped for 3 hours before I place them into my tank. Everything was open and alive within the 3 hours. However as soon as I place my corals and snails into the tank, the torch and xenia changed to a dull blue colour and the torch started to spit out some white mucus. The snail went inside its shell not moving at all. After 24 hours the snail was still in the same spot. I picked it up and it smells fine. The torch was still shrunk and dull blue. After 2 days the snail died and my xenia died too.

My tank is 4 months old with 50lb of liverock with livesand

water parameter(I use RO water)
salinity-1.024( with instant ocean salt, tested by a refractometer)

I use APi test kit and I have brought my water to two LFS and both results are the same.

I have 6 t5 blub, 4 day light and 2 aqua blue+ turned on 8 hours a day.

Torch on my sand bed with moderate water flow.

Fishes- 2 clownfish, 1 firefish, 1 yellow tang, 1 scooter blenny, 2 cleaner shrimps. All doing perfectly fine for 3 months.

Why are all the coral and snails dying? Please HELP Thank You.
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